Monday, June 13, 2011

4 Weeks to Fatherhood

It turns out that my wife can deliver our baby naturally, without a c-section. This is great news, because it'll mean she can come home sooner and she won't be as long recovering. We've also been learning about some of the procedures which the hospital can carry out in the event that the baby does have trouble breathing once its born. One of the procedures carried out in our worst-case scenario apparently has a 75% success rate, so overall things are looking good.

It's still very surreal to think I'll be a father in a few weeks. Granted, Jen will probably go overdue, but it's getting closer and closer. That said, it's nice to have something else to write for. I won't just be writing for my own enjoyment or gain. I'll be writing so my son or daughter can one day happily say "my dad's an author" and not have to add "but he works in an office for his day-job."

Of course, the kind of things I currently write are not the sort of thing I'll be letting my child read until he/she is older. At least in their teens. Maybe I should dabble in a YA or MG book somewhere down the line?

I have two ideas for new regular topics to add to this blog.

The first will be a series providing recipes I've tried myself and would like to share. I absolutely love to cook and I can't wait to share that love with everyone. The first receipe will be posted on Friday: Tomato rice with chicken.

The second is a series showing how writers can learn about narrative structure from films, especially how children's movies often feature great examples of things like the Monomyth.

These segments will feature as and when I have them to offer. I hope everyone enjoys them, and please tell your friends if you think they'll like them.

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