Blogger Lift Is Hosted Here. and in Goodreads on YABC. Blogger Lift is a feature in which I'll promote blogs I follow and that I recommenced you.
Blogger Lift is Filled until next year! Thank you to all the Blogger who have participated and those who Signed Up!
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Requirements Of Blogger Lift
Featured this week
1.-In Between Writing and Reading what do you like to do?
I love spending time with my family and going to my son's baseball games but I also go to many book signings. It's so much fun meeting and talking to the authors. You get lots of insight into their books and sometimes extras. It helps you get a clear vision of their world and characters. I've actually had lunch with Simone Elkeles and it was such a dream come true. She is so awesome and down to earth. I had the best time.
2. Convince me to join your blog twitter style. 140 Characters or less. GO!
Look for the next great read and the best giveaways? Then there's no better place to be in the blog-o-sphere than A Book-Lovers Review.com!
(this is harder than it sounds.lol=)
3.- A Season. A Day. A Month
Fall is my favorite season. I love to see the different colored leafs and the temp is just right. It's a good time to read a book outside.

I say Friday is my favorite day of the week. It's the beginning of the weekend *shrugs* what else needs to be said=)

October is my favorite month because of Halloween. There is just something about dressing up and being someone else for the night that I have always loved.

If you are wondering, I'm the one in the middle in red with the Afro.
4.-Lets say Hypothetically that you are abducted by Aliens. And they are generous enough to let you take your favorite book. Just One book. Which book would you take?
Well I have so many to choose from and I do have a lot of eBooks but I'm going to assume there is no way to charge my iPad so I have to go with a paperback copy of something. Let's see. Right now I would say

5.- Upcoming Release you are most exited about :) and best book of 2011 :) [there's no need to answer the last question if the answer to number 4 is a book from 2011]
Jeezz there are so many. Here is a small list:
TBA (Fullriders #1) by Simone Elkeles
The Girl I Used To Be by Meranda Kenneally
Noah (5ht Steet #1)by Elizabeth Reyes
Black Heart by Holly Black
City of Lost Souls by Cassandra Clare
Lover Reborn by J.R. Ward
I'm missing so many but these are all I can come up with right now.
6.- Now the Holiday Question: if you could create a Book Related Holiday, what would you call it and what would we do?
We have a Drop Everything and Read Day at the elementary school I work at. We have tons of literacy activities with the kids and it's so much fun. It would be cool to make it an official holiday.
7.- and now a detailed description of your Blog :)
I started my blog in 2009 for a school project not intending to expand my followers beyond family and friends. They ALWAYS saw me with a book and would often ask me about it. I got a little tired of always repeating myself so I told them I was going to start a blog and they could sign up for email notifications. But, as time went on I started getting more and more followers I decided that this was truly a great place to share my love of book by not only posting reviews but sharing some great signed books and posting interviews with authors.The Genres I support on my blog and post reviews for are as follows:
Any YA: Fiction, Romance, Urban Fantasy, Paranormal Romance, Science Fiction, Romantic Suspense, Steampunk and Dystopian.
Any Adult: Fiction, Romance, Erotica, Urban Fantasy, Paranormal Romance, Science Fiction, Romantic Suspense, Steampunk and Dystopian.
I have been known to dabble in other genres (classics, legal thrillers,memoir)but for the most part I read and review (mostly) YA.
I hope you have enjoyed getting to know me better. I look forward to seeing you around the blog-o-sphere.

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