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Featured this week:
Tags: Review. Reads. Book. Awesome
Sky is not only a hard working and busy girl, but she is also one of my closest friends and favorite girls. She just reached 100 Followers and she deserves every single one of them :)
Lets know more about this Awesome Blogger:
Sky is not only a hard working and busy girl, but she is also one of my closest friends and favorite girls. She just reached 100 Followers and she deserves every single one of them :)
Lets know more about this Awesome Blogger:
YA Infatuation: I'm a very busy girl. I'm a dancer and a gymnast! That takes up alot of my time. I mostly dance lyrical and jazz. I'm a level 7/8 gymnast and a Olympic hopeful! I'm really into photography. I like taking them in black and white,it makes everything look much lighter. I'm really into the art even though I can't draw even if my like depended on it! I mosted more abstract paintings with watercolor colored pencils. I'm really into school. I don't love it but I don't hate it! I just think its cool to learn new things. My favorite class is of course English! Oh, how do I love giving my opinion in our roundtable discussions!
2.- Convince me to join your blog Twitter Style. 140 Characters or less. GO!
YA.I: A teen, book infatuatists' take on today's popular novels.
3.- A Cupcake. Ice Cream. A Drink.
YA.I: Chocolate.Chocolate.Coke.
4.- Which is the last book you fell blindly for?
YA.I: All These Things I've Done by Gabrielle Zevin! When I first read the blurb it sounded good and all but nothing like the dystopias I was used to reading. It totally wasn't like other dystopias but that was part of the good part! It was really original! The characters,the plot, the setting everything was just great and I really wasn't expecting it to be!
5.- Where did the idea for the name of your blog came?
YA.I: I read YA. I'm in love with it. It took me a while to come up with Infatuation. I didn't want to use love because I am way MORE than in love with YA. I used a theasaurus (online of course!) and find the perfect word, Infatuate.
1. to inspire or possess with a foolish or unreasoning passion, as of love.
2. to affect with folly; make foolish or fatuous.
Okay,well its not exactly the right word but doesn't it sound official? YA Infatuation. It has a certain ring to it.
6.- You are a Writer, you are the Moderator of 9 Clubs, You Manage your Blog and You have time for a life! How do you do that?
YA.I: I don't! Well of course its hard and some things get tossed to the side (writing for an example!). But I just take it one day at a time. I always make sure that everything that needs to get done,gets done even if its late!
7.- A book you think the whole world should read
YA.I: Before I Die by Jenny Downham. I cried. Thats how sad it is. I really cried not a small cry but a real cry. It was heart-breaking but I'm glad I read it.
8.- And now you get to give us a more detailed description of your blog
Wow I didn't really want this question (yes I know everyone has this question!), because my blog is exactly as it states. My blog! I do what I want! I just want it to be a collection of my opinions of most of the books I read and of course author interviews,giveaways and memes!
I've always been a reader but I really dived into about two years ago. I dived into the water and never came back up! Reading is my passion. I do it for many of reasons,to get a good laugh, a good cry and most important to be suspensed (Is that a word? See I love reading so much I made up a word!). I love when a book just has me on the edge of my seat!
You can find her here:
Sky's Clubs:
The Young Adult Book Club
Teenage Dream
The Academy of Mystical Beings
RolePlay Party
RolePlay Party 2
Addicting Roleplays of All Types
Girls Like Us
The Academy of the Gifted
Mind Blowing Character Roleplays
Thank you so much for being part of Blogger Lift :))
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