Blogger Lift Is Hosted Here. and in Goodreads on YABC. Blogger Lift is a feature in which I'll promote blogs I follow and that I recommenced you.
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JudeHnd@Gmail.com or message me on Goodreads Jude.
Featured this week:
Tags: Review. Reads. Books. Literature.
Lets know more about this Awesome Blog:
Welcome to
Run and written by two sophomore, Lexi & Dani, who live in the state of Wisconsin. Learn more about them at The Literature Lion.
Run and written by two sophomore, Lexi & Dani, who live in the state of Wisconsin. Learn more about them at The Literature Lion.
Lets know more about this Awesome Blog:
I'm a pretty boring person, no joke. All I basically do is read and write newspaper articles for my school newspaper, since I'm the co-editor. Besides that I love watching TV, such as Terra Nova, Vampire Diaries, Glee, The Secret Circle and the Secret Life of the American teenager. I also am at my local library a lot, since I volunteer there, and I love going to school sporting events and other activities!
2.- Convince me to join your blog Twitter Style. 140 Characters or less. GO!
Reviews on newly released young adult books, with the addition of many other posts! The Literature Lion
3.- A Number. A Color. A Magazine.
18. Mustard Yellow. Seventeen.
4.- If the whole world was going to read One Book and it was in your power to choose, which one would it be?
The Hunger Games, hands down. It's a motivating story that has a great intensity of emotions, action and romance. Everyone can find something worthwhile in this novel, and it's so captivating.
5.- Where did the name 'The Literature Lion' came from?
During the first few months of having my blog, I had named my blog the YA Book Nook, but a few months after that, I didn't really like it anymore. So I thought of a few names, and most of them had an object and a word in it that related to books/reading. In the end, I chose the Literature Lion because literature is a broad enough subject, and lions are my favorite animals, so it was perfect!
6.- Your favorite Book and why is it your favorite
My favorite series in the Hunger Games, for reasons stated above in question 4. But if I have to choose a stand alone book, at the moment it would be Wildefire. I read it when it first came out in August, and I absolutely loved it! Wildefire was fierce and hot, with a Polynesian volcano goddess, and everything about it was compelling! I recommend it to everyone!
7.- and now you get to give us a more detailed description of your blog ;)
At the Literature Lion, you can easily find YA book reviews from any genre. I focus mainly on YA fantasy and contemporary, but I love dystopians and science fiction. Besides reviews, I love doing memes such as In My Mailbox, Book Broadcasts, and Waiting on Wednesday. There's many other things I do post on my blog, so check it out!
Thanks so much Jude! :D
You can find Lexi here:
Thank you so much for being part of Blogger Lift :))
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