September 13, 2011
Gail Grabowski & Bruce Venzke
Theme: Not so fast! — The last word of each theme answer is a synonym for "hinder."
Theme answers:
- 20A: Shareholder's bonus (DIVIDEND CHECK).
- 29A: Kitchen island material (BUTCHER BLOCK).
- 46A: Wrap for leftovers (ALUMINUM FOIL).
- 56A: Laundry convenience (CLOTHES HAMPER).

I'm always a little nervous when I see two crosswordese entries right at the top of my grid (ROCS / ATRA), but, fortunately, the puzzle wasn't particularly crosswordese heavy. Obviously a few crosswordese entries, but that's to be expected in early-week puzzles.

- 17A: Word on a French postcard (AVION).
- 65A: Everyone, to Ernst (ALLE).
- 9D: Lisbon mister (SENHOR).
- 36A: Brief fisticuffs (SET-TO).
- 28D: Smidge (SKOSH).
- 30D: Balderdash (HOKUM).
- 25A: Throw easily (LOB). One last remnant of the U.S. Open. Did you see Serena on Sunday? She was LOBbing insults at the chair like nobody's business. I always laugh when stuff like that happens and John McEnroe is up in the booth going "Um, ah … er …." I mean, he can't really say anything, can he?
- 44A: "I could win on my next turn!" ("UNO!"). I think they should rename the game "I could win on my next turn!"
- 63A: Garlicky sauce (AIOLI). Mmmm, AIOLI.
- 5D: Two-seated carriage (LANDAU). Did Mercury once make a car called a Landau. Pretty sure my grandma drove one.
- 6D: Jeff Foxworthy jokes about them (REDNECKS). This one gets my vote for sparkliest entry in the grid. Which seems weird, because I don't generally think of REDNECKS as particularly sparkly.
- 8D: Word with sewing or traffic (CIRCLE). PuzzleKids always beg me to go all the way around traffic circles. Sometimes I act like that's the most ridiculous request in the world and then I do it anyway. Cracks them up.
- 11D: Created a study aid in class (TOOK NOTES). That makes it sound a little … deliberate, doesn't it?
- 27D: Large wedding band (OCTET). Nice play on the word "band" here. Not the ring, but the musical entertainment.
- 33D: Nametag greeting (HELLO).
- 47D: Crunchy snack (NUT BAR). [Insert your own Michele Bachmann joke here.]

- 6A: "Arabian Nights" birds (ROCS).
- 10A: Big name in razors (ATRA).
- 4D: Madame's "mine" (À MOI).
- 10D: Actor Baldwin (ALEC).
- 58D: Jazzy Fitzgerald (ELLA).

Everything — 1A: Yawn-inspiring (BANAL); 6A: "Arabian Nights" birds (ROCS); 10A: Big name in razors (ATRA); 14A: Alpaca kin (LLAMA); 15A: Pop singer Brickell (EDIE); 16A: Washerful (LOAD); 17A: Word on a French postcard (AVION); 18A: Laura of "Jurassic Park" (DERN); 19A: Forever, so to speak (EONS); 20A: Shareholder's bonus (DIVIDEND CHECK); 23A: Dir. from Memphis to Nashville (ENE); 24A: Something to grind (AXE); 25A: Throw easily (LOB); 26A: Phone bk. info (NOS.); 29A: Kitchen island material (BUTCHER BLOCK); 32A: Spinning sound (WHIR); 35A: "It's a Wonderful Life" studio (RKO); 36A: Brief fisticuffs (SET-TO); 37A: It has lots of slots (RENO); 38A: Invite to one's penthouse (ASK UP); 41A: Some necklines (VEES); 42A: Macaroni shape (ELBOW); 44A: "I could win on my next turn!" ("UNO!"); 45A: Bk. before Job (ESTH.); 46A: Wrap for leftovers (ALUMINUM FOIL); 50A: __-Tiki (KON); 51A: Wimple wearer (NUN); 52A: Window units, briefly (AC'S); 53A: Mud bath venue (SPA); 56A: Laundry convenience (CLOTHES HAMPER); 60A: Empty room sound (ECHO); 62A: Roll of fabric (BOLT); 63A: Garlicky sauce (AIOLI); 64A: In __ of: replacing (LIEU); 65A: Everyone, to Ernst (ALLE); 66A: Stops bleeding (CLOTS); 67A: Sail support (MAST); 68A: Meg of "Courage Under Fire" (RYAN); 69A: Have an inkling (SENSE); 1D: Little shaver (BLADE); 2D: Troublemaking chipmunk (ALVIN); 3D: Too trusting (NAIVE); 4D: Madame's "mine" (À MOI); 5D: Two-seated carriage (LANDAU); 6D: Jeff Foxworthy jokes about them (REDNECKS); 7D: Pigged out (on) (OD'ED); 8D: Word with sewing or traffic (CIRCLE); 9D: Lisbon mister (SENHOR); 10D: Actor Baldwin (ALEC); 11D: Created a study aid in class (TOOK NOTES); 12D: Was on the ballot (RAN); 13D: Program breaks (ADS); 21D: One in a crowd scene (EXTRA); 22D: Goes back to sea? (EBBS); 27D: Large wedding band (OCTET); 28D: Smidge (SKOSH); 29D: Witch craft? (BROOM); 30D: Balderdash (HOKUM); 31D: Flat (LEVEL); 32D: Inflict, as havoc (WREAK); 33D: Nametag greeting (HELLO); 34D: How grapes grow (IN BUNCHES); 39D: Remove the chain from, say (UNFASTEN); 40D: Doggie (POOCH); 43D: Skid row regular (WINO); 47D: Crunchy snack (NUT BAR); 48D: Not at all sacred (UNHOLY); 49D: "Compromising Positions" author Susan (ISAACS); 53D: Gazpacho eater's need (SPOON); 54D: Furrier's stock (PELTS); 55D: Hop out of bed (ARISE); 57D: Boorish sort (LOUT); 58D: Jazzy Fitzgerald (ELLA); 59D: __ High City: Denver (MILE); 60D: Shade source (ELM); 61D: "The Bourne Identity" org. (CIA).
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