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JudeHnd@Gmail.com or message me on Goodreads Jude.
Featured this week:
Tags: Review. Reads. Book. Royalty. Princess. Pure Charm.
Hello there, modern day royalty here. No, I'm not actual royalty, it's just in my head; but isn't everything with us bookees? The reason I even gave myself this title, because one; I love princesses and two; I really do act a bit like it. It comes off as snobbish, I know, but it's not something I can help! I am very prim and proper, subtle and sweet, quick and painless. I'm good for a laugh too though, and I love making friends, so it's not like I'm THAT high on my horse, right? ..Right? -Ryssi
She's funny, talented and you just want to share a cup of tea with her. Lets know more about this Blogger worthy of Royalty ;)
1.- In Between Writing and Reading what do you like to do?
Princess Pandory's Readings: Hmmm. Tough one, there. I have to say, that I love to chat people up. No, really! I'm such a chattorbox when you get me going, but I'm shy to start. And on top of that, I like to draw. I am in no way even decent, but it's a good pastime. Music is also a passion of mine, even though my voice could make Beethoven cry like a baby. And I'm proud of that..? Heavens help my family. 2.- Convince me to join your blog Twitter Style. 140 Characters or less. GO!
PPR: Ramble, Rumble, Coil and Cuddle. Candy love, and bookish trouble~ Ramble, Rumble, Coil and Cuddle. Something bratty this way comes! 3.- A Movie. A Cartoon. A Series.
PPR: Beauty and the Beast. Scooby Doo. Game of Thrones. 4.- You seem to be a Fairy Tale Lover, any favorite books?
PPR: Oh, forget the first question, now THIS is nearly impossible to answer! My personal favourites are classics, but as far as modern fairy tales go, I love retellings, when they're done well. One of my favourites is Entwined by Heather Dixon. There's Beastly by Alex Flinn. And my first ever fairytale retelling was probably North Child, or East, by Edith Pattou. Such a beautiful story! 5.- And your birthday was just a few days ago! any awesome presents? any knight coming at your door?
PPR: I'm a really bargain kind of person, so I got myself an iPhone, which is awesome, and a gorgeous owl neclace. My father's girlfriend bought it for me, she really gets what I like! And other than that, my auntie got me six new books, shiny and two of them finished already!Sigh. Unfortunately though, no knights for me this year. I'm too much of a odd-girl for boys, poo. Hopefully one day though! I get teased about it as well, not accepting anyone. But hey, I want my knight, hands down. Princes are overrated. Knights are the ones you want. <3 (Or soldiers. Real-life heroes need love too, hah!)
6.- As a Royal Little Bookaholic what do you consider is a must read for every Book Lover?
PPR: Oh God. This is such a good question. I'm always waiting to gush to people about my heart shelf residents! I have to say, the Harry Potter Series should never be absent from any bookie's shelf. Also, I strongly suggest Burn Bright by Marianne de Pierres. It's a whole world of gothic brilliance. Seriously, it deserves more love! 7.- And now you get to give us a Big description of your blog ;)
PPR: (I will cheat and copy+paste! Bahaha!) [In Between Note: lol, that was cute ^^]Just a royal little bookaholic who decided to have a humble little blog. 16 and ready to read away my teenage stress and all that codswallop. Heroes and fair maidens, knights and soldiers, kings and queens. ♥
You can find her here:
Thank you so much for being part of Blogger Lift :))
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