Blogger Lift Is Hosted Here. and in Goodreads on YABC. Blogger Lift is a feature in which I'll promote blogs I follow and that I recommenced you.
Blogger Lift is Filled until next year! Thank you to all the Blogger who have participated and those who Signed Up!
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Featured this week:
Literary Exploration
Hi, I'm Anna and I'm addicted to reading :) It started back in third grade when I first read Harry Potter and became a freak about reading. I think I read the first two books in a week, which for a third grader is fast! I started this blog back in March, 2011 so I could keep up with my reviews, but mostly to follow other book bloggers! I'm officially as addicted to blogging as I am to reading and I'm loving all the great people I'm meeting :) Someday I hope to be an English teacher, but we'll see when that happens. I'm happy to talk about anything and everything book related!
The Interview :D!
1.-In Between Writing and Reading what do you like to do :)?
I love sitting down and having TV marathons with friends. We'll watch an entire season of a show over the course of a couple days! I also really enjoy going to book signings in the area and meeting my favorite authors; I try to get to as many as I can when I'm not busy with work and school. Otherwise I'm pretty easy, I like to go out to eat, go to movies, just hang out and chill. A lot of my life revolves around reading, since I'm an English major, so I honestly don't do much else.
2. Convince me to join your blog twitter style. 140 Characters or less. GO!
It's a YA blog that features reviews, interviews, giveaways, and all kinds of fun stuff! I post everyday so there's always something new!
3. A Plant. A Movie. A Candy.
Aloe Vera. The Last Unicorn. Peach Rings. [In Between Note: The Last Unicorn? aww, that's such a classic!]
4.-What's the Upcoming Release you are most exited about?
Oh gosh, that's a hard one! Seriously, I'm excited for almost every book coming out in 2012, but the closest one to now would be Clockwork Prince by Cassandra Clare in December. I am so freakin excited to read the next installment!! Have you read Clockwork Angel yet?! If you haven't I suggest you go out and buy it RIGHT NOW!!
5.-Best Part Of Blogging?
The people I've met! I've made so many awesome friends since I started blogging, and met a lot of authors who are really great! Blogging has also opened my mind up to reading books I normally wouldn't even consider, which is so awesome!
6.-Now the Holiday Question: if you could invent a Holiday Book Related, what would you call it and what would we do?
Ohhhh hmmm... probably Read and Eat Day. I love to eat... and I love to read.. soo I feel like this makes sense. It would be like a sort of readathon/Thanksgiving combo holiday. We would invite all our friends over and cook lots of yummy food and sit around and eat and read and trade books. Can we work on making this an official holiday? [In Between Note: I Totally Support This Idea]
7.- and now a detailed description of your blog ;)
Again, it's a YA book blog where I participate in weekly memes, reading challenges (as of 2012!!!), host giveaways, write reviews, and just discuss my love for YA books! I'm 21, so I don't have a lot of friends who read YA anymore, so my blog is my personal discussion board! I'm working on getting some author interviews and guest posts set up, but I'm still pretty new to everything so LOOK OUT FOR MORE AWESOME!!
I LOVED your answers Anna! Thanks for being part of Blogger Lift :D!
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