August 9, 2011
Mike Peluso
Theme: Money Money Money — The last word of each theme answer can follow the word "cash" in a familiar phrase.
Theme answers:
- 18A: *Duplicator in an office (COPY MACHINE).
- 24A: *Great Chicago Fire scapegoat (MRS. O'LEARY'S COW).
- 39A: *Classic chocolate treat (MARS BAR).
- 49A: *Take a path of least resistance (GO WITH THE FLOW).
- 60A: Seller's assurance of payment, and a hint to what the last words of the answers to starred clues can have in common (CASH UP FRONT).

I wasn't purposely trying to zip through this grid, but it was very smooth so I kind of did anyway. I didn't take the time to figure out the theme while I was solving, but I'm not sure I would have been able to see it anyway. These kinds of themes don't tend to jump out at me. I do like it though. Very clever. Theme answers seem lively enough. Well, COPY MACHINE is kinda boring, but maybe I think that because I work in an office and use one every day.
I saw the name ARSENE (37A: Thief-turned-sleuth Lupin) in a puzzle I was solving recently (don't remember which one), but obviously didn't pay enough attention to it because I couldn't remember it today. Maybe I will next time. The fill, overall, was really solid and clued perfectly for a Tuesday. I did notice an awful lot of plurals, which I don't care for, but that's really the only negative thing I can say about this grid. Nice job, Mike!
Crosswordese 101 Round-up:
- 47A: Aptly named fruit (UGLI).
- 25D: Old Norse works (EDDAS).
- 26D: Biochemist's gel (AGAR).
- 63D: Originally called (NÉE).

Everything — 1A: The NFL's Montana and Favre, e.g. (QB'S); 4A: __-wip: "real cream" brand (REDDI); 9A: Rap's __ Rhymes (BUSTA); 14A: Suffix with script (-URE); 15A: Apply, as pressure (EXERT); 16A: Not cool, man (UNHIP); 17A: Marksman's skill (AIM); 18A: *Duplicator in an office (COPY MACHINE); 20A: Former boxer Ali (LAILA); 22A: Musician's gift (EAR); 23A: Makes a decision (OPTS); 24A: *Great Chicago Fire scapegoat (MRS. O'LEARY'S COW); 28A: Apt. complex unit (BLDG.); 29A: Ohio rubber city (AKRON); 32A: Canonized Fr. women (STES.); 35A: Grand Coulee, for one (DAM); 37A: Thief-turned-sleuth Lupin (ARSENE); 38A: Nonpro sports org. (AAU); 39A: *Classic chocolate treat (MARS BAR); 41A: "Proud Mary" pop gp. (CCR); 42A: Throbs (PULSES); 44A: Watchdog's warning (GRR); 45A: Prog. listing (SKED); 46A: Spot on TV (PROMO); 47A: Aptly named fruit (UGLI); 49A: *Take a path of least resistance (GO WITH THE FLOW); 56A: Narrow cut (SLIT); 58A: Filmdom's Farrow (MIA); 59A: Short vodka order (STOLI); 60A: Seller's assurance of payment, and a hint to what the last words of the answers to starred clues can have in common (CASH UP FRONT); 64A: Sewing kit item (PIN); 65A: Starts the pot (ANTES); 66A: Army base near Petersburg, Va. (FT. LEE); 67A: 12/24 or 12/31 (EVE); 68A: Iraq's main port (BASRA); 69A: Ritual celebrating the Jews' liberation from Egyptian slavery (SEDER); 70A: __ Moines (DES); 1D: Uneasy feeling (QUALM); 2D: Prickly bush (BRIAR); 3D: 18-wheelers (SEMIS); 4D: Automaker's bane (RECALL); 5D: Lead-in for skeleton (EXO-); 6D: Bank statement abbr. (DEP.); 7D: Laundry appliance (DRYER); 8D: "Be that as __ ..." (IT MAY); 9D: Tampa Bay athlete, briefly (BUC); 10D: Opens, as a gate (UNHOOKS); 11D: Marine salvage crew's job (SHIPWRECK); 12D: Glass darkener (TINT); 13D: Big galoots (APES); 19D: Latin art (ARS); 21D: Throws softly (LOBS); 25D: Old Norse works (EDDAS); 26D: Biochemist's gel (AGAR); 27D: Singer Vikki (CARR); 30D: "... __ and for all!" (ONCE); 31D: Bookish type (NERD); 32D: '90s-'00s NFL Pro Bowler Warren (SAPP); 33D: Bull: Pref. (TAUR); 34D: Speakers at memorial services (EULOGISTS); 36D: Chow mein additive (MSG); 37D: "I can't believe this!" ("AARGH!"); 39D: "Feed me," in Siamese? (MEOW); 40D: Champagne word (BRUT); 43D: Cover completely (SMOTHER); 45D: Prepare, as flour (SIFT); 48D: Red Sox pitcher Jon (LESTER); 50D: Brat (IMP); 51D: Little fights (TIFFS); 52D: Bret who wrote gold rush stories (HARTE); 53D: Ran with ease (LOPED); 54D: Fruit yielding oil (OLIVE); 55D: Some cellar contents (WINES); 56D: Union underminer (SCAB); 57D: Head-turning Turner (LANA); 61D: Mex. neighbor (USA); 62D: Trite (OLD); 63D: Originally called (NÉE).
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