August 1, 2011
Andrew Bannem
Theme: Ice Ice Baby — The last word of each theme answer can be a form of ice.
Theme answers:
- 20A: Microprocessor (COMPUTER CHIP).
- 39A: Substance in a visual display unit (LIQUID CRYSTAL).
- 56A: Broth-making aid (BOUILLON CUBE).
- 65D: The ends of 20-, 39- and 56-Across are forms of it (ICE).
- 30D: 65-Down, in a cocktail (ROCKS).
- 15A: Where dos are done (SALON). PuzzleDaughter is really into doing nails right now so she's opened a "salon" right here at the PuzzleHouse. She even has a Club Card so that once you've visited the salon ten times you get … a surprise. She's got kind of a strange business model though. The first four times you visit the salon it's free, but after that you have to start paying. Her marketing skills might need a little work is what I'm saying.
- 23A: Hard tattoo to misspell (MOM).
- 50A: Halfback's maneuver (END RUN). This is funny. I don't recall hearing this phrase in relation to football. It's pretty obviously a football term, but I've heard it mostly in its metaphircal sense.
- 67A: Modern kind of phone (SMART). This is a type of clue/answer pair that Amy taught me to find irritating. (And good thing too! I don't have enough things to be irritated about!) You see, a SMART isn't a type of phone. A SMART PHONE is a type of phone. This is one of those irritants that I just live with. You should either join me in being irritated or … decide that you're not going to be bothered by this kind of stuff. Probably best to choose the latter.
- 1D: Beatles adjective (FAB). For you young'uns out there, the Beatles were known as the FAB Four.
- 2D: Chat room "I think ..." (IMO). For you older people out there, it stands for In My Opinion.
- 5D: Forensic TV spin-off (CSI: MIAMI). I've never watched any of the CSI shows. I also never watched any of the Law & Order spin-offs, although I watched every single episode of the original. I'm not really sure why. I think I just got busy. It's not that I'm opposed to spin-offs. I watched "Rhoda" after all.
- 8D: Track tipster (TOUT). This is probably the toughest clue in the grid. Somewhere way back in the cobwebs I knew this definition of TOUT, but it sure didn't come easy.
- 25D: What they call the wind, in a 1951 song (MARIA). I'm not familiar with this song, but it brought to mind this one:

Everything — 1A: Effervescence (FIZZ); 5A: Orange container (CRATE); 10A: Afterthoughts (ANDS); 14A: Mine, in Marseille (À MOI); 15A: Where dos are done (SALON); 16A: Chimney buildup (SOOT); 17A: Blessing (BOON); 18A: Words spoken while tossing in cards (I'M OUT); 19A: One may be dog-eared (PAGE); 20A: Microprocessor (COMPUTER CHIP); 23A: Hard tattoo to misspell (MOM); 26A: Grafton's "__ for Burglar" (B IS); 27A: Sunday dinners (ROASTS); 28A: Qatar's peninsula (ARABIA); 30A: Grating sound (RASP); 32A: Load (up), as energy food (CARB); 33A: Synthesizer pioneer (MOOG); 35A: Juanita's "this" (ESTA); 39A: Substance in a visual display unit (LIQUID CRYSTAL); 42A: Scout uniform accessory (SASH); 43A: Depression era migrant (OKIE); 44A: Graph line (AXIS); 46A: Snobbish mannerisms (AIRS); 48A: Maine mail order giant (L.L. BEAN); 50A: Halfback's maneuver (END RUN); 54A: __-mo replay (SLO); 55A: High-speed PC option (DSL); 56A: Broth-making aid (BOUILLON CUBE); 60A: Two-tone treat (OREO); 61A: Oodles (A HEAP); 62A: Long skirt (MAXI); 66A: Leave out (OMIT); 67A: Modern kind of phone (SMART); 68A: Voltaire's "with" (AVEC); 69A: Topeka's st. (KANS.); 70A: Versatile blood donor (TYPE O); 71A: Green stone (JADE); 1D: Beatles adjective (FAB); 2D: Chat room "I think ..." (IMO); 3D: Bronx attraction (ZOO); 4D: Metal in pennies (ZINC); 5D: Forensic TV spin-off (CSI: MIAMI); 6D: Highway exits (RAMPS); 7D: Baseball's Felipe or Matty (ALOU); 8D: Track tipster (TOUT); 9D: Goes in (ENTERS); 10D: Pet-protecting org. (ASPCA); 11D: __ Ark (NOAH'S); 12D: Loaf on the job (DOG IT); 13D: Staircase units (STEPS); 21D: Japanese wraparound (OBI); 22D: Double Dutch needs (ROPES); 23D: Fella (MAC); 24D: Postgraduate grillings (ORALS); 25D: What they call the wind, in a 1951 song (MARIA); 29D: Backyard cookouts, briefly (BBQ'S); 30D: 65-Down, in a cocktail (ROCKS); 31D: Prefix with culture (AGRI-); 34D: Skunk's defense (ODOR); 36D: Take a __ at: try (STAB); 37D: Put a levy on (TAXED); 38D: Assumed name (ALIAS); 40D: Ryder competitor (UHAUL); 41D: Shout at from below (YELL UP TO); 45D: NBC show with Baba Wawa skits, briefly (SNL); 47D: At the bottom of the standings (IN LAST); 49D: Soft shot (LOB); 50D: Kindle download (E-BOOK); 51D: "__ Rae" (NORMA); 52D: Expected at the terminal (DUE IN); 53D: Mob outbreaks (RIOTS); 54D: Alarming situation (SCARE); 57D: "That's a surprise!" ("OH MY!"); 58D: Twice-monthly tide (NEAP); 59D: Key of Bruckner's Symphony No. 7 (E MAJ.); 63D: Gardner on screen (AVA); 64D: Crossed (out) (X'ED); 65D: The ends of 20-, 39- and 56-Across are forms of it (ICE).
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