Blogger Lift Is Hosted Here. and in Goodreads on YABC. Blogger Lift is a feature in which I'll promote blogs I follow and that I recommenced you.
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Hi there! I'm the blogger behind SeeitORreadit. I'm a Canadian high school student. I love reading YA and teen books. I also love shopping (for books and more!)
The Interview
1.-In Between Writing and Reading what do you like to do?
*sigh* I want to say something super interesting but I'm a bit of a stick in the mud! I really don't get much spare time after school...but I LOVE shopping and going to the movies with my friends!!!
2. Convince me to join your blog twitter style. 140 Characters or less. GO!
SeeitORreadit is the place to be with daily reviews and giveaways to meet your daily book needs! (I'm not a big Twitter user LOL)
3. A Plant. A Movie. A Candy.
Plant- A rose!!! When I was younger I adored Beauty and the Beast!
Movie- hmmm I dunno I've seen a lot of good ones. It's do hard to choose! How about this: which movie can you not wait to see? The Hunger Games!!!!
Candy-SKITTLES!!! Can't get enough of those rockin' colours. I've been known to have some crazy mood swings so I let the different colours represent the different moods I'm in.
4.-What's the Upcoming Release you are most exited about?
Honestly I'm looking forward to a bunch especially Pandemonium. I really enjoyed Delirium so I can't wait to read the sequel. Highly recommended!
5.-Best Part Of Blogging?
I would have to say the comments! I love receiving comments on my reviews and visiting other book blogs. I think creating my own book review blog is the best thing I've ever done (I'm only in grade 9 so I haven't done a lot yet but still!). I think the blogging community is really nice and I've made so many new friends.
6.-If you could invent a Holiday Book Related, what would you call it and what would we do?
Okay as a highly uncreative person this is gonna be complicated!!! How about ReadNShare Day! On this holiday everyone gets a day off from work and school to read! In celebration of this holiday everyone shares books with one another like Christmas! Also the day before there are major sales at book stores and everyone visits the library!!! A celebration of all us awesome readers :)
7.- and now a detailed description of your blog ;)
SeeitORreadit is a blog I originally planned to make with my bff. We were both super excited to get started but before we could we both ended up moving. Now remember we are only in high school (grade 9) so we didn't have much of a choice. So over the summer I figured I would try to make my own blog and after two months of trial and error I created SeeitORreadit.
SeeitORreadit is still a fairly new blog but I have a lot of reviews and exciting stuff up. I review teen books that I buy,receive for review, and borrow from the library. I also host giveaways, cover of the weeks, polls, and feature books and authors.
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